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Our Location

341 East Main Street
Paris, KY 40361
Phone: (859) 987-1915
Fax: (859) 987-3230

Administrative Hours of Operation:
Monday-Friday 8:00-4:30 

Clinic Hours of Operation:
Monday - 8:00-4:30
Tuesday - 8:00-6:30 (Closed 12-1 for lunch)
Wednesday - 8:00-4:30
Thursday - 8:00-4:30
Friday - 8:00-12:00

Syringe Exchange Program Hours:  Friday 1:00-4:00                        


The Bourbon County Health Department offers a number of services for the community. Look through our Web site and see the services we have to offer. We welcome you to visit and meet our staff members. 

Call us at 859-987-1915 to make an appointment today!

Upcoming Events

What: Diabetes or Pre-diabetes Support Groups
Where:  Bourbon County Health Department
When:  November 4th and December 2nd 11:00am-12:00pm
Everyone Welcome...No Registration Required 

What:  Holiday Cooking class for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes
Where:  Bourbon County Health Department
When:  Tuesday, November 12th 5:00-6:30pm
Enjoy a nice holiday meal with food demonstrations give by local dietitians.  A free cookbook will be given to all in attendance.  
RSVP now at 859-987-1915.  

Sponsored by Bourbon Co Health Department and Bourbon Co Extension Office 

In lieu of publication, our approved budget can be viewed on the Department for Local Government (DLG) website                

Andrea Brown, MPH                                              Hardy Dungan, DVM
Public Health Director                                          Board of Health Chair

341 East Main Street, Paris, KY 40361 • (859)987-1915
Designed and Hosted by McAllen Solutions