Early and Periodic Screenings, Diagnosis and Treatment
Health Check-ups Are Important...
Children of all ages need complete health check-ups on a regular basis to protect their health and their future.
With scheduled check-ups, minor health problems in children can be caught before they become serious. Diseases like chickenpox, mumps and measles can be prevented by immunizations. Any physical or mental developmental problems can be found and treated, and hearing and vision problems can be found and treated early.
These services are available at your doctor or local health department. They are provided at no cost to families with Medicaid or KCHIP coverage.
Early and Periodic Screenings, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) is a program for children form birth to age 21 who are eligible for Medicaid or birth to age 19 for the Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program (KCHIP). Under the EPSDT program, children are checked for medical problems early.
The areas of health care that are checked include:
Medical history & physical exam
Growth & development check
(social, personal, language & motor skills)
Teeth (referral to dentist at 12-36 months)
Lab tests including blood lead level
Mental health & substance abuse
Immunizations (shots)
Health education for parents
Children should get health check-ups regularly or before the ages listed below:
1 month |
2 months |
4 months |
6 months |
9 months |
12 months |
15 months |
18 months |
24 months |
3 years |
4 years |
5 years |
6 years |
8 years |
Once a year for ages 10-20
If your doctor finds a problem, it is treated and watched. If a local health department does your checkup, they will refer you to your doctor for treatment of any problems found.
If your child needs additional medical care, Medicaid will cover it. EPSDT Special Services* will cover some services not normally covered by Medicaid.
This may include:
Medical supplies & special equipment
Dental services not normally covered by Medicaid
Allergy serum & shots
Mental health services not normally covered by Medicaid
*Children with a light purple KCHIP card are not eligible for EPSDT Special Services or help with transportation.
Health check-ups are available at your doctor or local health department. They are provided at no cost to Medicaid and KCHIP-eligible children. If you need help with transportation or for more information call 1-800-635-2570. For the hearing impaired, call 1-800-775-0296. These are free calls.
EPSDT - Cabinet for health and Family Services
275 East Main Street
Frankfort, Ky. 40621